Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The National Debt

The US national debt continues to spiral out of control, mostly due to the illegal, undeclard Iraq war. Right now we're looking at 9.5 TRILLION dollars! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Right now, each US citizen would owe $31,290.73 if debt collection began today.

Can we really afford this as a nation? I think NOT! We need to clean this mess up NOW or face absolute despotism! No wonder the US dollar has lost over half it's value over the last 8 years. Great Depression 2, here we come!


styleinfluence.NET said...

debt consolidation involves tackling one major issue at a time. If you attempt to service all of your debt simultaneously with a limited amount of funds, you could stretch yourself too thin, leaving you without enough money to buy month-to-month essentials.

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