Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tax Season Is Almost Here

Those of you already in debt; tax season is almost here. It's time to create a plan to get out of debt. That plan should include using any tax refund for paying down that debt rather than going to the local strip club. Sure, strippers are good wholesome fun, but that debt has you in a world of hurt right now. Do it. Do it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bailout My Butthole

I'm in debt and cannot afford the adult butt wipes I oh-so cherish. Bailout my butthole government. Bailout my butthole.

60 Minutes Covered Geek Derivative Formula Creation in 1995

Watching this, it should have been completely obvious what was coming.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Derivatives & Debt: The Coming Crisis

The stock market is tanking. People have an impending sense of doom in their gut. Banks are leveraged via derivatives to the hilt and are on the brink of collapse. People are carrying an absurd amount of credit card debt, falling deeper and deeper into the vicious circle of high interest rates and minimum payments.

Is the empire coming to an end? Is it all by design? These are questions going through my head today. Thank God I have NO PERSONAL DEBT.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The National Debt

The US national debt continues to spiral out of control, mostly due to the illegal, undeclard Iraq war. Right now we're looking at 9.5 TRILLION dollars! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Right now, each US citizen would owe $31,290.73 if debt collection began today.

Can we really afford this as a nation? I think NOT! We need to clean this mess up NOW or face absolute despotism! No wonder the US dollar has lost over half it's value over the last 8 years. Great Depression 2, here we come!

What do you do when bills stack up?

Several different options could help sort out your financial problems when bills start to stack up, and up, and up, and you just can't afford pay them off. You could set up a debt payment plan and force yourself to stay in line with it (the best option.) If you aren't mature enough to follow a plan alone, seek out the help of a credit counseling service, or debt consolidation service (the second best option.) You could also go the lowest common denominator route, a court provision, such as bankruptcy, to handle your credit obligations (this should be your very last choice!).

Comments are welcome!